
CCZ1, a promising roadblock for viral infections
Viruses are small infectious vehicles that enter human cells hijacking their machinery for replication. Marburg and Ebola viruses are two of the deadliest known viruses that can infect humans. Finding effective treatment options has been a concern for health specialists. Scientists from JLP Health…

Diet Research: Feast without gaining weight?
In a recent episode of Galileo, experts discuss molecular drivers of obesity and how we can control them to prevent overweight and associated diseases. Obesity is one of the major burdens of our society with huge impact on quality of life and cost of the social system. There are some people,…

JLP screening technology supports development of promising first-in-class anti-cancer therapeutics.
In a study recently published in the journal Nature, scientists from Acus Laboratories GmbH (Acus) characterize a class of novel inhibitors of mitochondrial transcription (IMT).
Altered expression of mitochondrial DNA and downstream activity of oxidative phosphorylation can be critical for…

Erfolg International: Josef Penninger ist Österreicher des Jahres 2020
Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Situation konnten die Österreicherinnen und Österreicher des Jahres 2020 diesmal nicht im Rahmen der traditionellen Austria-Gala geehrt werden. So wurden die diesjährigen Preisträger im TV-Hauptabendprogramm von ORF III ausgezeichnet. Die Leserinnen und Leser der…